Helping people & organisations thrive

We provide diagnostics and solutions to deliver outstanding performance for your organisation.

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“MindAlpha consistently delivers incisive, actionable information about our people, organisation and culture coupled with practical, effective interventions which ensure we remain a High Performing Organisation.”

Huw Owen, CEO Ark Data Centres

"Intelligent, surgical and pragmatic insights spanning targeted communications, better modes of engagement, structural changes and training which ensure the leadership team maintains their ‘finger on the organisational pulse’, and can rapidly adapt to changing situations."

Huw Owen, CEO Ark Data Centres

"I cannot recommend [AlphaNetworks] highly enough…transformational!... I can see why companies will need this […] to outperform their competition."

Huw Owen, CEO Ark Data Centres

What we do

Decision making

Eliminate cognitive biases and cut through the information overload which hinders effective decision making.

Change Management

Execute effective, sustainable transformations and turn change management into a competitive advantage.


Build processes and connectivity which boost productive collaboration.


Create effective internal communication and hone skills such as influence and negotiation.


Understand the drivers of employee behaviour to motivate the workforce for high performance.


Ensure decision making and risk management hold up in the face of adversity.

Why choose us?

MindAlpha offers a unique blend of expertise in behavioural science and organisational psychology, combined with over three decades of building sophisticated diagnostic and measurement tools, along with many years of real-world organisational transformation experience.

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Detailed insights and bespoke solutions for your organisation

Our behavioural intelligence platform gives you a set of diagnostic tools and solutions to improve performance and revenue.

  • Clear understanding of behavioural patterns
  • Precise mapping of motivation
  • Detailed maps of connectivity and information flow
  • Practical solutions which deliver performance


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In depth diagnostics

Using sophisticated analytical techniques we provide a comprehensive insight into current levels of organisational motivation, communication and collaboration to reveal precise areas for attention.

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We offer tailored solutions packages rooted in behavioural science, helping your organisation address and tackle your specific organisational challenges.

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Measurable Long-Term Results

We offer measurable results. Working with organisations who are committed to continual improvements, our clients care about people and results.

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