April 11, 2024

Guiding Change with Psychometrics

A photograph of scrabble pieces spelling out 'who are you'.

Why Psychometrics?

“Leading change in an organisation requires a clear understanding of the behavioural preferences of the individuals involved.”    

Organisations face many challenges as they seek to shape a culture to deliver their desired outcomes. Not least among these is aligning a diverse set of attitudes and behaviours with the values and goals the organisation has set.

Even with a clear picture of our culture, mapping behaviours, identifying fault-lines, and designing interventions to overcome the behavioural challenges is only half the battle. People are famously resistant to change. The human mind is threatened by uncertainty and often prefers to hold on to the familiar rather than explore new territory. Driving change in an organisation requires not only precisely designed interventions but a clear understanding of the behavioural preferences of the individuals within the organisation. This is where psychometrics come in.

What are Psychometrics?

“Psychometrics help create the self-awareness that leads to sustainable growth and superior performance.”    

Psychometric tools are structured frameworks in the form of questionnaires, exercises, activities, games, etc., which aid an unbiased evaluation of psychological characteristics such as personality, behaviour, intelligence, aptitude, motivation, and values.

Psychometric tools are designed to showcase someone’s natural personality and underlying behavioural preferences. Used with skill, they can help businesses develop a unique understanding of their workforce. This can provide the opportunity to create the right kind of change to optimise the workplace environment and culture, thereby creating a higher performing organisation yielding results that lead to growth and sustainable development for the business.

Psychometrics can also be used to monitor team dynamics, help evaluate an individual’s suitability to perform a task, job, or leadership role, as well as provide useful insights for hiring new candidates and identifying internal employees for potential organisational movement or promotion.

How We Do It

At MindAlpha, we use a tool called Lumina Spark which is, in our opinion, the best on the market. It is one of the most sophisticated tools currently available and, more importantly, it addresses the glaring weaknesses which exist in many other psychometric assessments, such as stereotyping or evaluative bias [1]. It is also robustly validated.

The Lumina Spark methodology reveals the whole personality across various contexts, thereby providing a unique portrait of who we really are. Through increased self-awareness it becomes possible to reveal hidden potential and identify possible stresses between our underlying persona and the everyday face we present at work. It helps us cope better under pressure, manage conflict, and discover how to improve communication, teamwork, and leadership.


For businesses who recognise the significance of the human behavioural component of the workplace as being the key component of sustainable high performance in today’s world, effective psychometric assessments are a must.

MindAlpha's psychometric services bring together unparalleled insights into personality delivered by the Lumina Spark assessment with the precise understanding of behavioural patterns across the organisation which we can generate with our other diagnostic tools. With high-frequency data updates to monitor the effectiveness of behavioural interventions, the Motivation Metrics (TM) programme can prepare your organisation to become the workplace of the future.

[1] Many psychometric tools attempt to force people into one of a small number of predefined “boxes” whereas every personality is a complex and unique combination of different personality traits. Evaluative bias occurs when people believe that a personality trait is either good or bad and consequently answer according to how they want to be perceived rather than according to their true preferences.

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